Tag Archives: masculine energy

Cause & Effect

Thoughts are the cause. Feelings are the effect. If one refuses to feel the effect of cause, karma is created or emotional debt.

Cause & Effect is a universal law that allows the harmony and unity of twin energies. Cause (thought) has a corresponding effect (feeling), and feeling has a corresponding thought. When feeling resists an emotion it becomes form bound as a personal thought i.e. me.  A build up of karmic debt results in an inflated sense of me and myself or ego. The emotionally charged self uses the mind through self-centred thinking. The seesaw of emotion and thought determines the physical reality one experiences. Through the female form, feeling energy realises it cannot manipulate or control its twin energy… mind. Through male form, mental energy realises it cannot emotionally abuse its twin energy… spirit.

Intention to release feeling from the mind attracts helpful thought. Intentional good thought attracts good feeling. Continue reading

What would Love do?

At the core of our human journey is the relationship between our inner masculine & feminine energies. When our inner masculine & feminine are out of balance, we yearn for wholeness. As long as we have human bodies we must acknowledge the desires of the flesh, however by treating our sexuality with respect we come to realize our outer gender is but half of the whole soul unit. When we identify completely with our physical gender we create a deep longing for the opposite gender manifesting as sexual desire.

As we grow in soul maturity and our consciousness expands, any under developed energy in our psyche tugs at our hearts and minds. Continue reading