Tag Archives: tree

Poem ~ Eternal life within a tree


xSpring_is_coming_by_Eredel1.jpg.pagespeed.ic.pd5h60tlul[1]Underneath the trees of summer

Came a low and distant murmur

Weaving through oak and beech

Chestnut, ash and silver birch


Whence it came, there was no clue

But here it was with morning dew

Whispering to green budding shoots

Wafting fragrance, tip to root


The image carried out on the ether

Breathing seemed to wander freely

Heartbeats echo and life expands

It was the touch of Heaven’s hand


At the veil when darkness fades

Footsteps thread across green glade

Songbirds offer sweet melody

Unaware of man’s parody


Sunlight dripping through broad leaves

And plants a question on the breeze

Why do mortal eyes not see

Eternal life within a tree


Collette O’Mahony

Poem from ‘Reflections of Love & Light