Tag Archives: freewill

Talents (natural gifts)


The seeming solidity of matter beneath our feet, in our hands or as familiar objects, causes our faculties to attach itself to form. Our human body, and our attachment to other forms, compounds solidity and the apparent separateness of man and man, man and creature, man and object. However, should the Law of gravity cease to operate, we humans and our many objects would find ourselves cast out like meteorites into the abyss, beyond sky, lumps of solid matter evicted from our planetary home.

If we are exclusively matter, then we should also have deep roots from our feet keeping us grounded firmly in one place. But we are a species set apart from the plant kingdom, and while animals migrate and move freely upon the surface of the earth, they act according to instinct only. In this man differs from the animal kingdom.

4cbbdfe182f7b134eaceccf88b290d25[1]Man has freewill to think and act separately to his fellow man. Used wisely, this faculty can reason and logic what is benefit and what is loss. Benefit is the conclusion of nature’s cycle through the seasons. Man’s natural talents used for benefit of all is his life’s work and harvest. As nature’s harvest comes through unlimited varieties, so too is man’s potential inexhaustible.

We are not placed in one fixed spot with roots and tentacles, nor are we replicates of one another bound to limited and repetitive imitation in our daily habits. We are original sparks of conscious energy in the vehicular mode of human carriage, which is provided to aid our innate gifts and talents for the benefit of all. The balance of reason and feeling is a steady guide in the realisation and application of genuine talent.

Reason exercises the mental faculty to provide the image and form the talent shall take, such as an artist who prepares his canvas for the image he wishes to paint upon it. Feeling is the power that propels the image or thought form into action. It is the passion and enthusiasm of the artist for his subject that calls him to paint. The fusion of reason and feeling ignite action towards the attainment of the goal. When this end is concluded, we have the product of the person’s nature and talent.

If we become too attached to reason and the form it takes in our minds, then we tip the scales of balance to the deficit of feeling. Likewise, if we succumb to emotion, there is a deficiency of reason. The balance between these two faculties is essential for the emergence of talent in a clear, original format. The result of overthinking or emotional irrationality is a state of mind that produces confusion and outputs this evidence onto the world.

Feelings allow us to gauge our inner response to a thing. It is an impulse to inform reason, to produce reaction. When feeling overcomes reason we term it ‘impulsive’. When reason overcomes feeling we call it ‘compulsive’. One is feeling without thinking, the latter is thinking without feeling.

Feelings are the space where ideas germinate. They are the womb of consciousness. Reason germinates the seed to produce the fruit of creation, the originality of the bloom is held in the seed. On the outer realm, space frames nature, in the form of air and sky. We are the beneficiaries of nature’s and air’s harmonious relationship. Trees give out oxygen and take in carbon dioxide which is essential for the air that we breathe. If we are too obsessed with matter, we overlook air’s necessity in our life. Someone who has gasped for air after choking on food, or after too long submerged in water, quickly realises his dependence upon air. If there were no space between things, no sky to frame landscapes, we could not see the relationship between things, just as the artist would paint all the objects and backgrounds of his composition the same tone of grey.

The relationship between the apparent world and the space out of which it appears, reflects our inner state of Being, the relationship between reason and feeling. Reason is the relief on the background of feeling, just as the tree is nature’s impression against the sky. The form the tree shall take varies from species to species. The form the sky takes will depend upon weather patterns.

It is our greatest gift to have freewill to use reason and feeling, it is also our greatest challenge. The fruition of talent in the individual and the collective is dependent upon our employment of reason and feeling, our respect of each, in order for our unique talents to flourish for the benefit of all.

Collette O’Mahony


Image: Bojan Jevtic

Spirit & Mind

Life is a continual experience. The spirit feels. The mind creates. Interference in the mind leads to confused state of Being. Everything is energy. The spirit is gaseous energy. The mind is liquid energy. The body is solid energy. The problem for us humans is the attachment to solid energy, disregarding the preceding states of energy. Humans are preoccupied with ice, foregoing the water of mind and the vapour of spirit. Emotions gauge temperature. Fiery emotion quickly melts the ice of solid appearance. Cool emotion such as detachment solidifies the mental waters returning it to ice. Our lives require balance between the two states, to flow freely through the mind as pure water from the fountainhead.

We inhabit a world where spirit moves into appearance and unity into a myriad of variation. It is the mind that facilitates this experience of phenomena. Every man is a radial of the sun, as it points outwards to the circumference of earth, so too does it point back to its origin at the centre of all life. Both light and shadow point to the sun. The mind points firmly to the origin. The mind is powered by the centrifugal force of intellect. The spirit is power, it is the force that creates. The essence of every living thing is power and intellect. Nature is power directed from the origin of life force. It is operated by universal intelligence.


Human beings have freewill. Our spirit & mind are part of the origin, yet we have the choice to think and act separately. It is only when we become victim of our freewill do we seek to be rescued from our damning thoughts. However, many of us wish to be rescued from the result of vice but not always from vice itself. This is the dilemma for mankind. Fear and desire are the effect of infractions on the spirit. Confusion and folly are caused by infraction on the mind. Confusion of mind and fear in spirit is indicative of the human belief in a separate self. It is through mental anxiety and spiritual pain that eventually turns us away from the linear fringes of past & future, and allows the outer mind of humans to follow the centripetal path back to its origin. The heart is the receptacle for the radiation of spirit. When the central life force receives a signal from the spirit then the mind becomes porous to truth. Extreme individualism gives way to unity in unique expression. The vagaries of separate self are transformed by clear mind into magnanimous action.

The outer seeking of separate self leads the spirit into a catacomb of illusion and death. This subterranean existence rests on the belief that there is no other reality other than appearance. The spirit sleeps because it is unrecognised as an equal part of man’s essential nature, and mind takes centre stage as the apparatus by which form is held solid. The true power of spirit is reduced exponentially to the self-aggrandisement of ego. The resulting imbalance leads to the breaking of universal laws.
However, the fruit eventually ripens on the tree of cause & effect. If the cause is human vice, the effect is human suffering. As shareholders of this vice we are liable to its expiation.

Collette O’Mahony

July 2017